Rocky will live forever
Posted By: angeleyes
in the memory of all true gooners - i still can't believe it - never has a north london derby seemed so insignificant - RIP Rocky - you were truly one of us - we'll never forget you mate!!!!!!!!!!!!
We did it for Rocky
Posted By: basingstoke gooner
Well done boys for winning 2-0 on what is a very sad day. If there is any justice we will win the Semi, because of the basic fact we have a better footballing side. Rocky's death seemed to affect me very personally, i believe because as i grew up in and around Highbury, i also started watching Arsenal at the same time that Rocastle first played at THOF. Normally things like this i let pass as a every day occurence, but today seeing that Rocky had passed away really got to me..I believe the reason is that i support Arsenal through every breath due to the fact i come from the area and also even when things go wrong i refuse to slag off any player, and in this case the era that Rocky was about at Arsenal he was without doubt my favourte player.......
David Rocastle
Posted By: From The Lane
He was a great player, and more importanty a great man. I`m shocked to hear the news, it makes you think doesn`t it? - only 33 years old. All real Tottenham fans kept quiet yesterday, as this means more-much mor- than our rivalry.
Posted By: peanutseller
have to say i was and am gutted by the news of rocky..........think it hit hard because he was one of my first gooner heroes..........god bless rock and lets make this a big week for him....